Top Club is a multi-level web application that is produced by WA Sports Federation and The Department of Sport and Recreation. It is a completely configurable application that aims to help clubs to build a strategic plan without the expense of having a facilitator run session. Top Club automatically identifies issues and assigned strategies and actions to achieve the desired outcome and overcome the issues identified.

Top Club are able to add a sport and then help a sport’s peak body to quickly and easily customise content to suit that sport within an easy-to-use interface. Once this is done, that peak body is able to give volunteer sports clubs in their particular sport free access a club-branded strategic plan builder to specifically suit that sport.

When a volunteer sports clubs is given access the TOP CLUB tool, that club is getting access to a tool where they can collate opinion-based data and turn this into actionable tasks for the year ahead in less than a day. This saves time, money and resources for each and every club – something they are very short on at the best of times.

Top Club desktop